Sunday, February 23, 2014

Homeowner’s Delight

Thursday’s intense rainstorm reminded us of our most outstanding Fix-It need. 

I went up to tuck in for the night at 9pm (yes, you read that right) and our pillows were soaked from the windows above our heads. Why were the windows open, you ask? They weren’t. The sill above my head leaks. Water coming in the house takes priority over old AC units and broken closet doors. 

We’ve been on-call with a recommended guy for weeks, but as you all know the weather around here has been utter crap, this weekend was the first time the contractor could come out for a looksie. 

Basically the cedar siding around our windows were either constructed poorly, or, when they needed repair before selling, were slapped with Band-Aids. Almost literally; he found some duct tape painted over with spray-foam underneath. 

Overall, he said the cedar siding on that section of the house was nearly done for, so he’s working on an estimate to replace the siding on that section, prime and match the paint color. I’m thankful he’s a great contractor, but bummed that our tax refund will be re-directed now. Oh well! Dem’s da breaks with homeownership. I’m too thankful for everything we DO have to complain.

Still on deck:
1. New AC/humidifier unit
2. Fix leak by patio door
3. Replace all bathroom fans
4. Fix entry closet doors
5. Fix guest tub faucet

Good thing we’ll be here a while!

Not our house. Exaggerating my point.


Just some goofiness provided by the 2-year old:

A leftover from our Aquarium trip

Nora wanted to be a baby and asked for a bottle.

Sticker sucker.


We bought our house knowing it was move-in-ready but would need updates as the years go on… some major, some minor. Today I accomplished a minor, but felt like a major!

I actually love DIY. When Tim and I moved into our Netherland home, I was about 26 and we tackled projects every weekend, pocketbook allowing. 

Since Nora, I’ve obviously stalled out. Priorities shift and you can’t accomplish a lot while tending to a baby/toddler. 

In our kitchen, we have a gas stove - which is great - however, below is not an oven, it’s simply open storage space. The previous owner’s solution was just a wire storage rack - kind of unsightly unless you have gorgeous cookware, which I do not. 

While Nora napped, I found 3 items on hand; old tab curtains, old tension rod and hemming tape. In about 30 minutes, I’d whipped up some small curtains to hide the mess! I would have preferred a bolder, more fun pattern, but this solution was free and I was pretty proud of myself. 

I also have a running Wish List for the house, which hopefully will be partially, if not fully addressed by the time we retire (listed in order of desire):

1. New kitchen countertop/sink [they are currently TILE - 80s hell]
2. Pine floors to replace carpet on 1st floor.
3. New carpet on 2nd floor
4. Replace all tile counters and showers in master and guest baths

Let The Sun Shine!

Saturday was simply gorgeous here… after not seeing the ground since November, nor remembering what above-freezing felt like, Saturday graced us with an upper-50 teaser and straight-up sunshine. It was one day, but everyone in the neighborhood took full advantage, including us. 

Tim and I both took awesome runs with our pasty limbs out in full view and we took a nice family walk for us all to get some fresh air and Vitamin D. 

Hopefully this will be the norm by mid-March!

Spreadin’ Love

Nora sported various heart-themed clothing thanks to a “sweet” sale at Old Navy Valentine’s weekend. Tim and I don’t really celebrate… we basically make dinner at home - we’d rather save a babysitter for a more important time : ) 

(One of my favs)

Showing Nora how to wave like a Queen!

Transporting Cheddar Bunnies

She picked this out for dinner.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Toddlers in the Woods

Our second annual Baby [Toddler] Cabin was last weekend. This year we found a rental house in Peebles, OH right on the edge of Brush Creek State Park. Nice and close - only about 1.25 hrs from our house! 

We picked up Nora from the sitter. We told her we were going on a trip! She was… excited.

The house was perfect - everyone got their own bedroom with a door [for toddler sleeping purposes], 2.5 bathrooms, 2 levels of living space and a kitchen for us to cook all our meals. The place was definitely cabin décor which I always love and get a laugh. 

“Shootin Deers & Drinkin Beers - That’s How I Roll.”




The girls did well - the two older ones had many trials over toys and sharing, but that’s the stage they’re in! 

We’d love to try and go back when it’s warmer out to check out the woods and spend time on the patios, etc. 

Adrian, Evelyn & Nora: One looking, two working.

2 out of 3 eyes!

Luggage décor equals cute toddler travel.

The only adult nap.

Adrian wants snacks!

Snowy and quiet drive home.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Pre-Game Festivities

We met up with our friends, the Swabs at the Newport Aquarium this morning for some penguin/shark action before the big game tonight. We arrived at 10am when they opened and at 10:15 was a “penguin parade” which consisted of 3 barricaded penguins in a wagon pulled in front of everyone - alrighty then. 

There was a dancing turtle named Tango who frightened Nora - rightfully so with those dark freaky eyes.

Going through was rather quick since Nora liked to race from window to window. I think she paused longest at the shark theater. She even stood on the ledge until a ray shark came belly up to her and that was too close for comfort for a 2-year old. Alligators and jellyfish later, we ate lunch at Tom + Chee [nom!] then headed home around 12:45pm… 

Of course Nora fell asleep halfway home… the transition to her crib was a complete fail so that was it for the rest of the day. When Nora doesn’t sleep, everyone is exhausted. 

Tim picked himself up some Superbowl wings and some spinach Rondos from LaRosa’s - big fan of the Rondos. Taco dip and some Cherry Garcia later… I’ll be a cozy caterpillar snuggling into bed. 

Long afternoon...

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Healthier Chocolate Sauce:

Random food post. 

I made some vegan no-bake cookies the other week which were very good:

The chocolate was made of 3 items; coconut oil, agave nectar and cocoa - all I amazingly had. This sauce was pretty darn good and made up of less bad ingredients. Nom!

Nora’s New Athletics

Nora’s House has evolved… somehow she figured if she knocked it over, it would become a really janky indoor slide. And she can rock that slide from day to night. I’m amazed it’s still in tact. 

We had a game-changer today. While I was on my run, Tim put Nora down for her nap. After about 10 minutes of chatter, there was a bit of silence then Tim heard Nora say “Uh-Oh!” at the top of the stairs. Girlfriend nimbly made it out of the crib without a sound [better than a THUD?] and to the gate. 

While Tim was on his run, about 3pm I was about to go down the stairs when I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. Then I realized my bedroom door was open from the light pouring into the hall. I walked into my bedroom and there was Nora, wandering around, bleary-eyed with bedhead. 

It’s time for a big-girl bed. It’s a bit earlier than I expected!

I’ve talked to a lof of my friends and almost all said they went straight to a “real” bed as opposed to a toddler bed. We’d purchased a toddler bed from a friend before knowing what this transition means. I think our plan will be to give Nora the full-sized guest bed and purchasing a queen bed for guests. [Sorry to all past overnight guests for the incredibly small full-size bed!].

Will let ya’ll know how it goes!

Did I mention Nora likes salads? Random.

Daytime sliding

Evening sliding


Cheesin’ with Daddy’s running shoes

Bongos before bedtime.