Sunday, December 30, 2012


12 Months, Week 4

More shenanigans from Christmas Break...


Cool, Baby.

It’s my baby in a box!

Nora buggin’ on Uncle Jonathan to see “babies” on his phone.

Cousins Egon and Ailo wrastled for about 3 hours nonstop.

Cool, Dada.

Egon has to escape to his Daddy’s arms for a break.

Christmas Week Continued

12 Months, Week 4

Christmas Day was just great - again, last Christmas was just a fog with a 3 week old, so it’s been much more relaxed and enjoyable with a 1-yr old!

Christmas morning Nora opened her gift from cousins Izzie and Alex - a gorgeous piggy bank to start saving money! Thank you! 

I made a non-healthy [!] breakfast casserole with tater tots, eggs and cheese. Good stuff - for just one day! 

We spent most of the day at Nana & Papa’s with the Kieffers and the Iglas with their new beagle puppy, Egon! He’s 8 mos old and a bundle of fun - Nora enjoyed him a ton, he was just her size! 

Ailo wants to see, too.

Nice to meet you, Egon!

Daddy drives me around in a box!

Low Expectations...

I knew I kept my expectations low for a reason...

So not only was I down with a stomach bug on Thursday, I couldn’t even make it to the inspection if I wanted because of the furnace repairs. And the inspection was not good.

We met with our realtor on Friday, she was very disappointed that the seller hadn’t disclosed some problems with the house with the listing. There are a lot of little things that are just common sense when you go on the market. There are some larger items that should have been disclosed. We submitted a lengthy repair list and aren’t sure what to expect coming back. We weren’t scared away, we still really like the house and hope we can work something out to get in there, but we’re preparing ourselves to possibly look for a temporary apartment for various outcomes... 

It’s stressful and inconvenient, but to complain is silly. 

More positive vibes that we hear something back that we can work with. 

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Stomach Bug

I’m not sure if all night labor or all night diarrhea is worse.

Last night I thought I'd just eaten too much - felt "too full." I tried to sit up in bed and read some magazines, popped some Tums. I slept from 10-11pm. Woke wide awake with an upset stomach. By 12am the explosions were happening... about every half hour. Around 2:30am I threw up something fierce. I tried “sleeping” in the guest room. Everytime I was close to falling asleep, run to the bathroom again.

Thankfully we were already going to take Nora to the sitter today so I was able to sleep on and off until noon.

I stuck around while our furnace guy wrapped up his ALL DAY session on the furnace for inspection repairs. Tim went to the Milford inspection and I couldn't go - I was frustrated because I was sick and Sid was taking so damn long downstairs. Tim said it’s probably a good thing because the inspection list would probably freak me out.

We know we’re buying a 30 year old home... I hope we come out unscathed once Tim gets home and we look through the report. Either way we have to be out by the end of January!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


12 Months, Week 3

We started calling this Nora face “Squidward” probably around 3-4 months. It’s her “I’m fed up” face. It’s funny and cute. Nora, don’t be mad at me for comparing you to this fun comic face.

Attempted Photoshoot

12 Months, Week 3

Well the first one was good...

Got it!




I’m outta here.

Christmas Week

12 Months, Week 3

I love Christmas. I preset the Christmas radio station. I watch the Christmas specials even when I didn’t have a child. So this Christmas has been lovely; last year I was a Nervous Nelly New Mama who was sleep deprived and worried that my baby was comfortable and cool. 

Our Christmas Week kicked off with a Batty family get-together at Aunt Suzanne’s in Fairfield on Sunday. All her sons [and two daughter-in-laws] were in from Chicago, Missouri and Spain - ! A rare and special occasion. It’s like a second home and though we don’t see each other often, they always felt like our brothers - 3 Batty Girls and 3 Coffman Boys. I didn’t get to catch up as much as I wanted since now days I have to chase after a 1-yr old, but enjoyed the time I had. Nora got some amazing books from Chris & Todd - The Monster at the End of This Book, The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs and The Stinky Cheese Man. So sweet!

Monday we hosted our first Batty Christmas Eve - our family has always opened gifts on Christmas Eve - it started when as children, we went to 5pm evening mass on Christmas Eve and when we got home, Santa had been to our house! I think it was because “Batty” was at the beginning of the alphabet - ?? Either way, we’ve kept up the tradition. 

Our day was lovely and casual. I enjoy being a hostess even though at the end of the day I’m exhausted - it’s fulfilling. I’m very excited for next holiday season when we can host something in what - hopefully - is our new house. Dining table here I come! 

Nora loves her Batty Aunties!

Hanging out with Grandpa Batty!

Cousins Brian & Scott [a happy house when the Bengals won!]

Intent on the Bengals

Aunt Katherine & Nora

Wiped out!

Post - Batty high!

Watching Sesame Street for the first time!

Loving time with Grammy& Grandpa Batty

Thursday, December 20, 2012

One More Photo -

What’s that? You want to see the spa-like master shower? Certainly!

Sunlight in the shower - oh my!

Monday, December 17, 2012

House Update!

A lot has happened in just one week. 

On Sunday the 9th, we received an offer on our house - what?? We came back with a counter and the buyer accepted on Monday, December 10th - Happy Birthday to me! 

Last week we got our house hunt list together - or as I like to say, House Hunt 2012®. The buyer also scheduled his inspection of our house for Friday afternoon. 

Friday came and my Mom was such a rockstar - she took Nora out of the house for that time and Nora was able to visit her Great Aunt Suzanne - I imagine it was a fun visit : )
Rhe inspection was scheduled from 3:30-5:30. So my Mom gets back at the scheduled end time and the inspector and Buyer are still there - whoops. The Inspector seemed a little bristled and said “Inspections take 2-3 hrs.” Well then someone should have scheduled our time better, huh? So not only does my Mom meet and get our Buyer's story, but Tim and I come home with Ailo too during this time so it’s a little awkward, but friendly. The Buyer recognized me and I recognized him - we ride the same bus! 

Our buyer is divorced and his ex-wife and kids live in our neighborhood and the kids go to school behind the house - so he’s obviously going to make this purchase and transition work. 

Saturday comes and after 3 failed attempts to find someone to watch Nora so we can focus on house hunting, Emma comes through in the 11th hour! We were so grateful - we tried looking at houses back in October with Nora and it’s very hard to focus when your attention is on the little one!

Our focus Saturday would be on Milford [lots of house for $, lots of trees, great public schools] and Sunday would be around the Sprinfield Twp area. We saw some good homes that were all potential. Then House #6 came. Just driving through the neighborhood, we were like “Whoa.”  We walked through and we both just knew. It felt like us. 

Sunday we put in an offer. They countered today [Monday]. We threw something back and they accepted. 

One. Week.

Our Netherland Court inspection report came back today so we’ve been making calls to get repairmen in here to fix the last bits. And once the Hollow Creek owner signs off on our contract, we’ll get our inspection scheduled for there. 

I went for a 4 mile run tonight to try and clear my head - HA! The run was filled with house thoughts. Good thoughts, really. But doubt is always there “Is that deck okay for Nora to be on? How many staircases will we need to protect her from?” But I know it’s a good fit and it’s a great house for kids to grow up in.

So as we chip away at the repairs, keep the positivity flowing - I’m still expecting some headache to pop up because moving houses always does, right? 

*This month has been an extremely emotional one - not only with the house ups and downs, but my office had layoffs in early December, my 8-month-pregnant work friend found out Thursday that her husband has Stage 4 Colon Cancer at the age of 32, and the Connecticut shooting on Friday. I’m hoping a lot of dust settles with the new year for a new beginning everywhere for everyone!

3rd Level Loft - side 1

3rd Level Loft

Top Deck - yes, there’s a lower deck with a old hot tub. 

Dining Space

Dining Space

Eat-in / Side patio

Hollow Creek Drive



Living Room


Master vanity

Reading nook off the living room

Wet. Bar. Oh. Yeah.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Here Comes the Toddler

12 Months, Week 2

While I’m very happy Nora is starting to communicate in her own way, it’s also a little exhausting. She wants to be held a lot lately. And it’s hard not to pick her up when she holds her arms up, hands up wanting you to pick her up. Then when you go to put her down, she gets mad and starts the crying. Oh geez. Tim and I are trying not to coddle too much. She has to learn frustration and that she can’t always get what she wants. 

I was happy she got to spend 4 days with Dada last week while he was burning his vacation days. She played with only one-nap-days for a while - oh boy!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

1 Year Old!!

12 Months - !!

Well today’s 1-year check up was full of twists and turns. 

First - they want us to stay away from nuts and honey until age 2. So there goes my almond milk thought. I’m not backing down from my “less cow” idea, will try to look into coconut milk. This also means no peanut butter yet. Pediatrician said “if I had to do the Heimlich Maneuver on her, I don’t want peanut butter clogging the way.” Okay.

Eggs and a little citrus are a go. Done with baby cereal. 

The biggest twist today - Happy Birthday Nora, you have an ear infection! !@#$%&
I think the snotty cold she’s had for almost two weeks has built up in her ears... it’s minor in her right ear, really. We had no idea - no signs, no fussiness... and don’t suggest elevating her mattress because girlfriend doesn’t sleep in one position all night. 

So I’m already super disappointed my 1-year old has to be given amoxicillin. I don’t. Like. Meds. BUT she’s very young and I don’t feel comfortable experimenting with natural remedies yet. Blergh. 

And the cherry on top; 5 shots! Hepetitis in the arm and two in each thigh. My poor baby was a mess. She got over it quickly though - she always does, bless her lil’ heart. 

I had to leave and go straight to work, but I’m glad she got to spend the day with Dada. 

One Year with Teddy!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Nora’s 1st Birthday in Photos

11 Months, Week 4

The morning of my party!



and more family!

Nora digging on Benny.


Hanging out with Papa

Grampy checks me out in my tunnel!

Warm fuzzies!

Cousin Bobby always lends a hand.

Nora with her cousins! And holdin’ onto Bobby - awww!

One more ride on Benny before bedtime!