11 Months, Week 4
I’ve been having an internal battle lately around milk.
Those who know me know I believe in the power of veggies and clean, whole food, pasture-raised meats, organic options, etc. I read up a lot on nutrition and how food lobbyists and marketing makes us believe nutrition claims that aren’t true - milk is one of them.
I won’t get into the thick of it, but the bottom line is - humans don’t need dairy and aren’t truly built to process it [lactose intolerance anyone?]. It’s constructed to feed baby cows. Dairy has been linked to numerous health problems [allergies, acne, ear infections, etc] and I don’t want to push it onto Nora, not to mention I’m considering cutting out a lot more for myself [maybe I’ll stop having zits at age 32?]. Tim can decide for himself, but I always try to educate my lovies : )
I’m not eliminating ALL dairy from our household, I still use butter and give Nora some hard cheese and cottage cheese [organic if I can]. But I don’t want it to be a major source of calories for her.
I’m continually doing research on this because there’s still a part of me that thinks maybe I should at least give her some organic whole milk - which is my back up - but from what I’ve read, she can get all the nutrition she needs in other food forms and I’m not harming her development. Soy milk is not good for females, so I’ll probably try almond milk for half the time.
I’m nervous about bringing it up with the Pediatrician - I’ll probably get a tongue lashing, but Pediatricians don’t necessarily have Nutritionalist training. I’m going to have to put on my brave face when we have our 1-yr check up on Tuesday. [I’d rather have a holistic doctor but that’s for another post.]
The subject is similar to when someone asks why I’ve cut out most meat. It’s too long of an answer so I simply say “health and ecological reasons.”
Call me anal or a little health-nutty, but food nutrition and it’s effects on us is a passion of mine. So that’s why I’ll probably steer [ha] Nora away from drinking solely cow’s milk: health reasons. It’s a personal choice that I hope is accepted : )
Friday, November 30, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
11 Months, Week 4
Along with the milestone of walking has come another one - separation anxiety. Or so we think. Twice this week when either of us have dropped Nora off at the sitter’s house, as we try to leave and say “Bye” Nora clings to our legs. It’s endearing and a little heart-breaking, but a reality that it starting to show its face! Hopefully it does’t get too bad!
She had a rough morning - she nearly stuck some of Ailo’s food in her mouth so I gated off the kitchen which set her off. She was very frustrated this morning not being able to communicate what she wanted [or what she couldn’t have] and plugged her thumb into her mouth constantly while twiddling her hair - he soothing mechanism.
Toddler Times!
Along with the milestone of walking has come another one - separation anxiety. Or so we think. Twice this week when either of us have dropped Nora off at the sitter’s house, as we try to leave and say “Bye” Nora clings to our legs. It’s endearing and a little heart-breaking, but a reality that it starting to show its face! Hopefully it does’t get too bad!
She had a rough morning - she nearly stuck some of Ailo’s food in her mouth so I gated off the kitchen which set her off. She was very frustrated this morning not being able to communicate what she wanted [or what she couldn’t have] and plugged her thumb into her mouth constantly while twiddling her hair - he soothing mechanism.
Toddler Times!
Monday, November 26, 2012
11 Months, Week 3
What a great 4 day weekend! We had a good balance of extended family and quiet time at home. I’m trying to find the photo of me from Thanksgiving last year - I’m hugely preggers at my parents.
Grammy Batty pulled out some more oldie-but-goodie toys from our childhood for Nora. Nora had such fun with all her grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins! I wish I’d gotten more photos of Nora with her cousins, but it was a bit much with all the people and bustle. I think Amy got at least one good one in there : )
Nora ate most thanksgiving food well, but not a fan of mashed potatoes - booo! Texture is my guess.
Grammy Batty must have turned a “blind ear” to me when I said no to baby cell phone toys. Thanks Mom - love ya ; )
Saturday and Sunday were so nice and relaxing, lots of family time with the frigid temps outside. Got our few decorations up for Xmas - don’t want to go overboard with [hopefully] more showings plus a toddler getting into everything!
Tech Baby |
You know, just hanging in my toy box. |
Grampy made me a paper hat! |
Crawling around with Grammy. |
Beautiful Thanksgiving Day! |
Heeeyyyy! |
The one photo I was able to get at Krons - lots going on! |
Nora did this the ENTIRE grocery trip. Really? |
Nora + Caterpillar |
Meeting Yukon Cornelius and the Abominable Snow Monster |
Ailo sitting pretty with the tree |
Watch out world!
11 Months, Week 3
Nora is on the move! Over Thanksgiving break she’s really upped her game and has nearly given up crawling - go Nora go!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Hangin’ with Mama
11 Months, Week 3
Our office closed early today, as we typically do the day before a holiday. I was excited to spend a little extra time with Nora, but realized I should only pick her up after her PM nap - extra ME time!!
I drove in [as opposed to the usual bus ride] and left at 1:40, home at 2:15 and started my 4-mile run at 2:30. Got home and rinsed off, got a load of laundry started and vacuumed a bit. Took off to get Nora from the sitter at 3:45. I tell you what - that 1.5 hrs of alone time was pretty awesome [I love you family, but ME time is always precious : ) ]*
Nora had just woken up from her nap when I got her just before 4pm. We headed home and went straight into a neighborhood walk - Nora and Ailo both needed fresh air and exercise! I’m thankful this Thanksgiving for mild weather to open the windows and get fresh air!
Nora had dinner and then playtime where I captured a few photos... It really is true that every month you say “This is the best age!” And then the next month you say the same thing... these babies [toddlers!] just evolve and grow and it’s amazing to watch them develop.
Nora points at everything now so I try and tell her everything she’s pointing to so she learns the words. These are the captures:
*I also redeemed my Mothers’ Day gift [!] on Monday - a gift card to Aveda for a 1-hr massage. Dudes - it was
O-mazing. Who knew you could have knots in your neck??
Our office closed early today, as we typically do the day before a holiday. I was excited to spend a little extra time with Nora, but realized I should only pick her up after her PM nap - extra ME time!!
I drove in [as opposed to the usual bus ride] and left at 1:40, home at 2:15 and started my 4-mile run at 2:30. Got home and rinsed off, got a load of laundry started and vacuumed a bit. Took off to get Nora from the sitter at 3:45. I tell you what - that 1.5 hrs of alone time was pretty awesome [I love you family, but ME time is always precious : ) ]*
Nora had just woken up from her nap when I got her just before 4pm. We headed home and went straight into a neighborhood walk - Nora and Ailo both needed fresh air and exercise! I’m thankful this Thanksgiving for mild weather to open the windows and get fresh air!
Nora had dinner and then playtime where I captured a few photos... It really is true that every month you say “This is the best age!” And then the next month you say the same thing... these babies [toddlers!] just evolve and grow and it’s amazing to watch them develop.
Nora points at everything now so I try and tell her everything she’s pointing to so she learns the words. These are the captures:
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When I picked her up from the sitter, her hair was all rooster-ed out. Amazing. |
*I also redeemed my Mothers’ Day gift [!] on Monday - a gift card to Aveda for a 1-hr massage. Dudes - it was
O-mazing. Who knew you could have knots in your neck??
Yo Gabba Gabba
11 Months, Week 3
So there is one current children’s show I’m familiar with - Yo Gabba Gabba. It’s pretty modern with guest bands/musicians that I listen to and visually awesome. I let Nora watch a 5 minute video here and there because the tunes are so kicken.’
So there is one current children’s show I’m familiar with - Yo Gabba Gabba. It’s pretty modern with guest bands/musicians that I listen to and visually awesome. I let Nora watch a 5 minute video here and there because the tunes are so kicken.’
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Who Needs Toys?
11 Months, Week 3
An acquaintance posted this video on Facebook and I think it’s lovely... I think all kids are creative enough that they really don’t need toys.
I remember as a child, my sisters and I would play “beauty pageant” [wow], play with the fridge boxes in the basement, play dress up with my Mom’s 70s clothes and build forts in the backyard with wood palettes and oil drums [Dude, my Dad constructed our house, we had a lot of junkyard-type items laying around].
I hope I can steer Nora to unleash her own creative mind despite all the marketing that pushes her to “need” all the other gear.
An acquaintance posted this video on Facebook and I think it’s lovely... I think all kids are creative enough that they really don’t need toys.
I remember as a child, my sisters and I would play “beauty pageant” [wow], play with the fridge boxes in the basement, play dress up with my Mom’s 70s clothes and build forts in the backyard with wood palettes and oil drums [Dude, my Dad constructed our house, we had a lot of junkyard-type items laying around].
I hope I can steer Nora to unleash her own creative mind despite all the marketing that pushes her to “need” all the other gear.
Monday, November 19, 2012
No Rest Yet...
11 Months, Week 3
Nora is still giving it her all with the walking... I think her farthest so far has been about 10 feet. She falls on her bum a lot, but gets back up on her feet and tries again! Love the baby determination.
She also says “ball” now which comes out as “baw!”
Nora woke up this past Wednesday with sniffles and a runny nose - ack! Today is day 6 of it. No fever, a cough here and there, so every night we run the humidifier and continue to wipe her nose which is the equivalent of trying to cut her nails; writhing and thrashing and crying. It’s awful. I’ve been putting some lotion under her nose at nights to ease the irritation. We actually tried vapor rub on her feet with socks to ease her stuffiness, but it resulted in two hours of coughing - it just irritated her passages more.
I’ve been under the weather too, I can’t seem to kick this “blah” feeling - funny enough it started kicking up once I stopped running so much. Interesting.
I was really looking forward to a relaxing Sunday yesterday... Nora woke up at 5:20am. My Lord. In the middle of running errands I got a call from the Showing Department - a realtor wanted to show from 1:30-3pm. Awesome - smack dab in the middle of my relaxing Sunday.
Nora fell asleep on the way home at 11:35am. We left her IN the car in the garage with 700WLW on; you know, background noise. [Multiple people have said they do it too, so I don’t feel crazy] Tim and I went through the house and prepared it while checking on Nora every 1-2 minutes. We finished the house and left in the car and Nora was still sleeping! Amazing. She woke up at 1:15 on our way to Amy’s [thanks again Amy for letting us crash!]
I’m trying to stay positive and optimistic but I’m just getting tired... keeping the house in tip-top shape is exhausting and I just want to leave it be... I hope that day comes soon!
Nora is still giving it her all with the walking... I think her farthest so far has been about 10 feet. She falls on her bum a lot, but gets back up on her feet and tries again! Love the baby determination.
She also says “ball” now which comes out as “baw!”
Nora woke up this past Wednesday with sniffles and a runny nose - ack! Today is day 6 of it. No fever, a cough here and there, so every night we run the humidifier and continue to wipe her nose which is the equivalent of trying to cut her nails; writhing and thrashing and crying. It’s awful. I’ve been putting some lotion under her nose at nights to ease the irritation. We actually tried vapor rub on her feet with socks to ease her stuffiness, but it resulted in two hours of coughing - it just irritated her passages more.
I’ve been under the weather too, I can’t seem to kick this “blah” feeling - funny enough it started kicking up once I stopped running so much. Interesting.
I was really looking forward to a relaxing Sunday yesterday... Nora woke up at 5:20am. My Lord. In the middle of running errands I got a call from the Showing Department - a realtor wanted to show from 1:30-3pm. Awesome - smack dab in the middle of my relaxing Sunday.
Nora fell asleep on the way home at 11:35am. We left her IN the car in the garage with 700WLW on; you know, background noise. [Multiple people have said they do it too, so I don’t feel crazy] Tim and I went through the house and prepared it while checking on Nora every 1-2 minutes. We finished the house and left in the car and Nora was still sleeping! Amazing. She woke up at 1:15 on our way to Amy’s [thanks again Amy for letting us crash!]
I’m trying to stay positive and optimistic but I’m just getting tired... keeping the house in tip-top shape is exhausting and I just want to leave it be... I hope that day comes soon!
Sunday morning “jam-hair.” |
Playing with an empty box - because those are always more fun! |
Sunday, November 11, 2012
11 Months, Week 2
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We found a winter hat with a VELCRO chin-strap so that she can’t rip it off. |
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Rough time getting down. |
Step One...
11 Months, Week 2
Little Busy-Body is well on her way! I think around Halloween she started to test out taking a step here and there. She’s now very determined and those steps are becoming three and four steps at a time and never gets frustrated; she falls and gets back up - we’re fairly certain she’ll be toddling around with her cousin Alex at Thanksgiving - fun!
I took a vacation day on Friday and had such a fun day with Nora - we visited Emma who stays home with Evelyn and watches Ellie Cowan, and our friends Anne & Ava visited too! It was a meeting of the 4 friends’ babies for the first time and it was extremely entertaining! Nora and Ava moved here and there, chasing cats while Evelyn and Ellie watched in wonder.
At least one parent of each baby plays soccer, so who knows what kind of Tot-Soccer-Team could come to be!
Little Busy-Body is well on her way! I think around Halloween she started to test out taking a step here and there. She’s now very determined and those steps are becoming three and four steps at a time and never gets frustrated; she falls and gets back up - we’re fairly certain she’ll be toddling around with her cousin Alex at Thanksgiving - fun!
I took a vacation day on Friday and had such a fun day with Nora - we visited Emma who stays home with Evelyn and watches Ellie Cowan, and our friends Anne & Ava visited too! It was a meeting of the 4 friends’ babies for the first time and it was extremely entertaining! Nora and Ava moved here and there, chasing cats while Evelyn and Ellie watched in wonder.
At least one parent of each baby plays soccer, so who knows what kind of Tot-Soccer-Team could come to be!
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Ellie, Ava, Evelyn and Nora! |
House Update
We’ve been on the market for 6 weeks with 10 showings and 2 opens houses; which had 3 prospects. We had a retired widow today who seemed fairly interested; she didn’t want any steps, liked that the laundry was upstairs, likes the privacy in back and wants to be closer to her family in West Chester. Please keep your fingers crossed that maybe this could be the best fit!
I keep a tidy house, but making sure everything is buttoned up before we leave in the morning is becoming tedious. I just want to leave Nora’s stuff out! Not to mention poor Ailo being in a crate in the garage.
During the open house today we went to our friends’ house to visit and watch football and we brought Ailo to play with their dog - boy he needed it!
I have no expectations at this point especially with the holidays here. But those days when Tim and I are commuting 2 hrs a day each is just frustrating to know we can quite escape that wasted time yet...
I keep a tidy house, but making sure everything is buttoned up before we leave in the morning is becoming tedious. I just want to leave Nora’s stuff out! Not to mention poor Ailo being in a crate in the garage.
During the open house today we went to our friends’ house to visit and watch football and we brought Ailo to play with their dog - boy he needed it!
I have no expectations at this point especially with the holidays here. But those days when Tim and I are commuting 2 hrs a day each is just frustrating to know we can quite escape that wasted time yet...
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Lil’ Lion
10 months, Week 4
When Nora was closer to 5-6 months, she would growl and it was super cute, so when we were at the thrift store I found a $6 lion costume - perfect! Well, she doesn’t growl anymore - she woofs. Oh well, she was still super cute and helped pass out candy. I felt a little under-dressed so I found a sunhat and used some eyeliner for freckles - a pseudo-scarecrow to her lion?
When Nora was closer to 5-6 months, she would growl and it was super cute, so when we were at the thrift store I found a $6 lion costume - perfect! Well, she doesn’t growl anymore - she woofs. Oh well, she was still super cute and helped pass out candy. I felt a little under-dressed so I found a sunhat and used some eyeliner for freckles - a pseudo-scarecrow to her lion?
Rawr! |
No likey hats |
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