21 Weeks
Well there you have it - my instincts were very off. I think I’d actually worked myself into getting ready for a boy, but of course I’m thrilled! Our sonographer verified The Boot as a girl by pointing out three dots on her under-carriage : ) She was extremely active inside and all her measurements looked good.
I honestly was thrown for a loop and am now switching my mindset; color schemes, patterns, etc. But still not into characters - this Girl has two music lovin’ graphic design parents - she’ll be wearing a Phish tee before I buy her any princess or TV cartoon. Yeah, yeah - I know - just let me have my dreams before she’s huffing at me, “Momma I want a Princess nightgown!” I realize I’ll learn those lessons in the near future. And pink will take some getting used to... can I request Pantone pink #701? [sorry, Graphic Design speak] - ha!
Now Tim and I can focus on the nursery, names, signing up for a class and getting down to nesting. Doc said yesterday “These next 8 weeks will be boring for you” - but I know I should enjoy the quiet time while I can!
If I had oodles of money, my Girl would be sportin’ all this: