Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Sleep Behavior Clinic Appointment

Our sleep journey has been years as everyone knows. Apnea has *not* been the driving factor the past two years. Our ENT retired last fall and we were handed to a new ENT whom I really like - plus she pushed up higher up on the Behavioral Sleep Clinic list - !

We had to keep a chart of Hannah’s sleep for two weeks leading into the call: 

Thankfully it was a telehealth video - saves us so much time and effort. 

They literally asked us questions for 50 minutes - even after a 3-page questionnaire. They convened off camera and came back with their plan. We’ll be trying these strategies gradually:

1. Stop sitting in her room, even for a short time. We currently sit in her room and have cut back - I do better at leaving BEFORE she falls asleep because she needs to fall asleep on her own. As soon as I leave, she comes out 2-3 times, sometimes asks for the bathroom, sometimes asks for Dad. 

2. Start utilizing a “Bedtime Pass.” Hannah will start with two passes - she can use two "passes" that Tim and I will acknowledge with emotion. Anything after that, she’s escorted back with a neutral parent (no emotion). **I’m not sure how this will work - we’ve tried incentives and Hannah isn’t driven by incentives - she’s driven by the attention of Mom and Dad. So we’ll see how this goes.

3. Physical Barrier; a decorated gate or ribbon that is a visual cue to stay in your room.

4. Weighted Blanket

5. Sleep Fairy book (a specific book recommended by CCHMC that has helped some)

6. No more in Mom & Dad’s bed in the 4am hour! **I logically knew we’d have to do this. I wanted to hear it from a professional and have to prepare myself to lose an extra hour of sleep for this step. I really hope it does the job because I can’t wake up every morning at 4:30am because my kid won’t go back to her bed. 

And for what it’s worth - they acknowledged we’ve done a lot of good thus far to make her sleep independently - we just need to push across the finish line. 

Will probably start this weekend - wish us luck! 

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Christmas 2021

 Christmas was better in 2021 - a little more normal with small family gatherings. It was nice to be able to share some love outside our home!

Combat boots!

Animal suits seemed to be the trend for a lot of tweens this year.

The girls got a disguise kit from Santa!

Thursday, February 10, 2022

UC Women's Basketball vs XU

 We received an invite to attend the UC Women’s basketball game versus Xavier University. I don’t think Tim nor I had ever been to a women’s game - it was super fun and lots of fans, which sounds atypical. Since it was the crosstown shootout, the fans were abundant! 

Goat Yoga!

 I hopped on a trend bandwagon just before my 42nd birthday - goat yoga! A friend of mine invited me and I jumped in! It was held at a local art center and a local farm brought their small goats who pranced around while we did very basic yoga moves. It was more for the gimmick than an actual yoga practice. But it was super cute to hang out with goats for about 30 minutes! 

Nora Turns 10!

 After a pandemic birthday, we allowed Nora to have three friends over for her birthday - it was great to see her happy to celebrate properly and enjoy her day 😊

Sushi is her favorite treat!

Thanksgiving 2021

 Thanksgiving came and went and felt so nice and “normal” compared to 2020!