Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Hope Story

A fairly well-known family on social media, the Smiths, are big Ds advocates. Noah’s Dad, Rick and Abbey Smith have helped start Hope Story:

Hope Story is a team of medical professionals and storytellers. We believe that stories have the ability to provide hope to others and change the world. At our core, we exist to help people learn to tell their stories and help them find opportunities to share them with people that need to hear it the most.”

Their aim is to: 
1. connect every parent who’s child is diagnosed with Down syndrome to a family raising a child with Down syndrome. We believe a little bit of hope can go a long way.

2. train to parents of a child with Ds to help equip them to have a phone call with a parent who just received a diagnosis for their child. These parents become Hope Advocates (which I have signed up for).

3. provide free resources to medical professionals to help them deliver a Down syndrome diagnosis. Medical professionals don’t receive specific training in medial school on how to deliver a Down syndrome dialogs, and it isn’t something they do everyday. In addition, most medical professionals don’t have a personal relationship with anyone with Down syndrome.

I really think social media has benefitted our community and broken down stigmas around Down syndrome. I truly hope all these new efforts and storytelling shines a light to new parents that their child is worthy. 

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