Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Catch Up

What? Over three weeks since my last post? I guess that’s a good thing - nothing majorly throwing off our groove lately!


Hannah’s eye patch has been going well... although I’m not noticing a difference : (  We have a follow up the first week of August... 

We’ve seen some progress with Hannah’s gross motor skills. We’re working on sitting on a “bench” and having her pull to stand while holding our fingers. She loves it. She’s also straightening her legs while on her belly so she’s an inverted-V shape. All this is great, we just need her to to not lock her legs... : P 

She’s also pulling to kneel everywhere which is great too...


We regularly get an annual pass to the Cincy Nature Center - it’s just down the road and a wonderful huge park. Hannah cannot walk and strollers are not easy or allowed in certain places... We never did baby wearing so we decided to get a hiking carrier! They roll pretty pricey, so I went on eBay and found one that was “reasonable.” We’ve already used it at the Nature Center and at Parky’s Farm at Winton Woods - we love it and so does Hannah! 

The 37-lb test went well!


Well - it happened. Dance is done. About two weekends ago, Nora said she was “too tired” to attend dance [and a retirement home performance only 45 minutes after class!]. So Tim laid out that if she didn’t attend that day, she was done. She knew. The day was a little tense. At some point when I was out, Nora turned to Tim, “I’m sorry. I didn't really like dance. When I went to Adalyn’ class the first time, I did have fun and thought it would be fun, but now I just don't want to do it.” Wow - to apologize and articulate her feeling and reasons? Nora knows. She gets it all. All the time.

But photo day happened prior to that; where I miraculously got her hair in a minuscule bun. We now have an expensive Halloween costume that will be worn until it is threadbare. I was also the only parent who was not purchasing photos that day. Good ol’ Stine - I ain’t payin’ for that hype!

We’re taking the summer off from activities. Plenty of studies show that unscripted play [and the great outdoors] are so important. I’m not rushing for another activity. Nora said she wants to try Tae Kwon Do, which I’m all for... We’re just going to wait out a bit to see if she really does want to try. 


Also - preschool year one is a wrap! What a blur! Nora loved school so much. She’s excited to be in the 4’s class next year. Which is strange... I feel like Nora should be heading to Kindergarten next year... based on her behavior and cleverness, she just seems older. Plus she will turn five [!] earlier than her classmates. 

First Day - Sept 8, 2015

Last Day - May 10, 2016


Finally, had a hard morning this past Monday. Nora received a gash on her palm Sunday. It wasn’t a huge deal to her. Monday she woke up thinking it was still the weekend - ruh roh. I broke the news that we were headed to the sitter’s which threw her into turmoil. (I’ve learned you have prepare kids for what’s to come - surprises are not good.) So this evolved into a truly emotional meltdown for her.

Nora was sobbing real tears, incredibly sad, she did not want to leave. Sobbing for someone to stay home with her. She gutted me... working Mom tears were bubbling up. It’s impossible to explain to a four-year-old that some Mommies work outside the home so I can pay for medical bills, so I can help pay for Daddy’s eventual new car, so we can replace our dilapidated house siding... 

I remained calm and sympathetic the entire morning. Able to get her in the car, had to physical wrestle her into Alison’s house. I sat with Nora for a long time. Eventually realizing a lot of her worry was about the cut on her hand. She didn’t want the sitter or any other children touching it or fixing it. I reassured her she was in charge of her boo-boo; no one would touch it until she said it was okay. This seemed to alleviate some worry, but I still had a hard time leaving her - half an hour after I should have left. 

And of course when Tim picked her up, she’d had a great typical day : ) I’m thankful for Nora’s adaptable personality! 

1 comment:

  1. Love all the updates & photos! What a wonderful adventure, having Nora & Hannah in our lives! Definitely never a dull moment.
