Saturday, January 4, 2014

Now This Is Cold

Riding the bus Friday morning, it was 5˚ outside. Anything fashionable was out the door. Function over form. Two pairs of socks, heavy wool sweater, massive scarf and even a hat! If you know me, you know I never wore hats due to my short ‘do - prissy, I know. Now that the hair is long, I’ve evolved. 

Anyway, waiting on the bus wasn’t too terrible since I was SO bundled up. However, our bus was not warm. Maybe 55˚ - dude. It’s common with this particular bus driver so I have vowed next time he’s driving us, I’m walking up and asking him if the heat is broken. My toes never warmed up until I was in the office, after my coffee around 9:30am. 

I had a run this morning with 3 other girlfriends at 11am thankfully - and the temps were around 30˚ then - woohoo! I fared well, my toes had it the worst, but after our 3 miles, they’d come back around. Not to mention the 4 of us had Bloody Marys afterwards - holler! 

Nora was able to get out of the house for a Target run with Daddy, but we’ve been trying to find fun activities indoors for a while now!

We pulled out the old Boppy and Nora pretended to be a baby.

Rocketship with friends!

She’s in a house. She’s not homeless, I swear.

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