Friday, June 28, 2013

Sleep Regression.

18 Months, Week 3

I thought we were done with sleep regressions - apparently the 18-month mark is yet another. Blergh.

Last night Tim was at a happy hour so I went to lay Nora down and she was upset and cried for 5-10 minutes. She hasn’t done that in months... but she put herself to sleep. She had a few whimpers in the night, but not bad. 

Tonight, Tim put her down and she wailed for 15 minutes calling “Dadddeeeee! Dadddeeeeee!” Sobbing to the point she couldn’t catch her breath - heartbreaking. So Tim tried to console her, and of course after trying to lay her back down, she went nuts even harder. So after another 10 minutes, I went up and held her for a good 10 minutes... she wasn’t lying down so as she stood in her crib, I hugged her and tried to explain that she was okay; Chica and Puppy and Bear and Bunny were all laying down and going ‘Night-‘Night. 

She laid down sucking her thumb and rubbing her eye, so I smiled at her and gently patted her and walked out... she cried. This time only 10 minutes and she finally put herself down. 

Nora is showing signs of another round of separation anxiety - getting anxious if we leave the room. 

For now, we’ll just have to try and console her if she’s afraid at night and roll with this phase until she grows out of it just like the rest!

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