Monday, February 26, 2018

Sleep Study Results!

Took Hannah for her sleep study results with a bit of trepidation. No one made it sound like there would be any worry, but I had to keep my mind open that something could show up. It did. 

The test itself went well - Hannah slept 8 hours so the team was able to gather a lot of information. They did record “episodes” of shallow breathing/obstruction. Anything above 1.5 episodes is considered having apnea. Hannah had about seven per hour. So - moderate sleep apnea!! Not severe, but enough to take action. (Her friend, Joe, had 8 per hour and had his tonsils & adenoids removed. Another friend’s son had 52/hour at birth - went home with O2!)

I was surprised - was not expecting that summary at all - she had no signs or symptoms! Our next steps are to meet with her ENT to confirm he wants to move forward with a Tonsillectomy & Adenoidectomy : ( Blergh! Not super, but it’s minor in the grand scheme of things. 

I swear no kid with Ds even has their T&A anymore. The other Moms have warned how rough recovery can be... getting kids to eat and drink despite their discomfort. 

I just want to get it over with... I’m so over all the procedures, man. I still have Hannah’s annual cardiology appointment looming in the back of my mind... praying praying praying that her valve is either stable or lessened leakage... I’m not sure I can emotionally handle another heart procedure - !

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