Thursday, January 11, 2018

Diary of a Pink Eye

Last Sunday I woke up with a little crust (sorry) in my eye and it looked slightly pink. 

Oh snap! Thankfully I had some drops left from Hannah’s last bout with conjunctivitis. You are allowed to continue using them from person to person according to the professionals I’ve talked to. I used the drops all day. Towards the afternoon, I felt like something was IN my eye, in my upper lid. It felt a bit scratchy and hurt a bit. 

However, when I woke up Monday - Mother of God. I couldn’t open my eye. It was swollen like I’d been punched or stung! I was freaking OUT. I’d had pink eye last Thanksgiving but it never got beyond the previous photos. 

Please excuse the haggard photos - 38 (with no makeup) is really starting to show (haha!). I showed a friend and he said I looked like I was on Walking Dead - haha! 

Tim took me to Little Clinic at 8:30am - school was cancelled and it was snowing/sleeting. I got in quickly and the NP determined that since I didn’t have any other symptoms that it was bacterial (not viral) conjunctivitis. I guess I just touched my eye with some nasty germs on it. Mom always said, “Keep your hands OFF your face!” This is why. 

She gave me a stronger prescription since Hannah’s drops were for a toddler. By 10am I could open my eye and could see fine. Tim went back to work. 

Today is Thursday - day four of eyedrops. My eyes finally look a bit more symmetrical. Still not the bright white it typically is. 

So this is your lesson: wash your hands and keep them away from your face!! 


  1. Oh, girlfriend!!!! I am sooooo sorry! Glad the stronger drops worked fairly quickly.

  2. And.....guess who now has pink eye!!!
