Sunday, July 17, 2016

Hannah Updates

Hannah wants to move! We had PT at Children’s on Friday. We only go once a month. I don’t know that we’re gaining a whole lot from it... I guess I want to stay on their “roster” in case we need them after Help Me Grow leaves us at age three [sniff!]. 

Our original gal is on maternity leave, then we had a dude who was a filler, now we have another regular whom I really like and pushes Hannah a little harder - I like that. She noticed that after one month, Hannah had improved - she is trying really hard to climb! 

Hannah can maneuver herself enough to climb our ottomans and shorter steps! Although she doesn’t seem to be doing it the “correct” way, she’s popping her legs up and now pushing herself up with her arms to stand supported! She can’t go as far as standing against the couch, but we’re so proud of Hannah! It’s these small milestones that typical kids breeze past that we cherish. Hannah has to work twice as hard, so it’s much more meaningful for our family. 

Nora and I were driving around today and she said something to the effect of, “Mommy, when I turn five, Hannah will be two. Then she’ll crawl and walk and talk and I’ll cry.” Because you’re so happy, Nora? “Yes.” Then she tried to force herself to cry which was adorable. She gave up; “Mom, I can’t get any tears out.” That’s okay, Nora : )

We had a nice quiet weekend, cheering Hannah on as she pushed herself to supported standing. 

Nora played in the dirt and made some homes for bugs. Hey man, I’m all for a little dirt under the fingernails!

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