Thursday, July 21, 2016

For REAL Parenting

Serious subjects in the Kron household tonight. 

During dinner, Nora in her usual walkabout/talkabout fashion said she was going to marry a man. Sure, Nora, you can! Then she started thinking... well, if there’s a girl who doesn’t get married in town, then I’ll marry her. Can I marry a girl?

Yes, Nora you absolutely can. She has asked about marriage before and we consistently tell her she can marry whomever she wants. I don’t need to explain what Tim and my beliefs are...

Well. Tim just informed me that while reading her Highlights magazine, Nora saw an illustration of a black boy and made some comment about only marrying someone with the same skin color as her. WHAT THE HELL?! I really hope that’s just four-year-old logic in play?? 

Tim did a great job explaining that we all have different skin colors - even within our own family [pink, peach, olive, etc] and that we love and accept everyone even if they aren’t exactly like us. *We can have differing opinions and still respect each other. 

*Are you listening adults?

This kind of rolls into later down the road when Nora realizes her sister isn’t *quite* like everyone else and we have to explain that even people with delays and disabilities are just as loved and accepted as everyone who is typically-abled. 

Heavy subjects for a Thursday ya’ll!


  1. This is one of the best parts of Evelyn's childcare/pre-school experience. Her classmates are such a beautiful rainbow of backgrounds, cultures, and languages!

  2. I was just talking about this with a friend. When do they see color or when do they realize there can be prejudice about color or disabilities? My kids haven't seemed to notice, or care?, that skin color is different from them.
