Monday, June 13, 2016

Quality of Life

Not sure if everyone saw the “viral” story about the Mother whose baby was diagnosed with Ds and the letter she sent to her OB who suggested abortion... 

Mom's Letter to OB

I had read this on a different website and made the mistake of reading comments made on the story... it was a punch in my gut. People were making mean, hurtful comments about special needs people draining resources, the parents will outlive their child, people commenting how they watched their parents lived sad lives, depleted from caring for their special needs siblings... It ruined my mood for the end of my week. 

I thought, “AM I being blind to what Hannah’s future will be? ARE my expectations too high?”

I also saw an OB’s response to this letter:

Ds Ethics

I do agree - expecting parents should always be presented with all the facts that come with Ds; slower development, therapies, possible medical complications. However, to say and assume that the baby and parents will have a low quality of life feels like a subjective statement and not necessarily true. 

Those with Ds are NOT always sick. They live to the average age of 60. The divorce rate for parents with a child with Ds is lower than the national average. 96% of siblings felt great affection and pride for their sibling with Ds. 

Then a third open letter came out from a woman and fellow Ds Mom whom I admire:

Rebuttal to the TIME OB article

I was shocked at this: “13 percent of doctors admitted to emphasizing the negative aspects of Down syndrome so parents would elect for termination.” Wow. 

A new baby shifts any family’s life. I think Tim and I can confidently say we don’t feel our quality of life is “low.” I think most of the families we know in the Ds community would agree. 

Hopefully more medical professionals can truly be unbiased, be up-to-date on their Ds facts and show a bit of compassion despite any family’s beliefs and background.

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