Thursday, August 13, 2015

Milestone Nearly Reached!

Tonight after dinner, Tim had Hannah on the floor and was practicing her sitting... she sat unassisted for about five minutes!! Yay Hannaahhhh! 

It’s so interesting experiencing a typical baby’s milestones versus a baby who is a bit delayed; what you took for granted now feels like an even bigger deal with Hannah. I try not to keep tabs on the typical babies her age who are already standing and walking... I mean, that was Nora! We are taking huge pleasure in Hannah as her own person today.

In addition, she’s started to really get the hang of “chewing” - she’s swallowing more food bits. My Mom had the girls this past weekend and even she noticed the difference. 

I really have to hand it to my amazing babysitter - without her and her kind/open heart and dedication to our girls, I’m convinced Hannah wouldn’t be nearly this far along. 

Perhaps she’ll meet our “goal” of really sitting by one year old : )

*Also, these photos show the chaos of a weekday post-dinner blur. Literally.


  1. You go, superstar! One day at a time! Fantastic! <3

  2. Yay Hannah!! Keep up the awesome work!! As a parent, even with so called normal kids, I found it a bit hard to not compare the second kid with the first even though I knew I shouldn't. I remember Henry being 2 and worrying because he still wasn't saying any words because I was comparing him to Lyla who was reciting nursery rhymes at 18 months. Fast forward three years and he speaks better than other kids his age. Hannah's going to have serious skills to show off as she grows.
