Friday, March 21, 2014

My Second Rodeo

*Written January 19th, 2014

It’s been about 3 years since I’ve been pregnant and I feel like I need to re-learn everything; not a lot of caffeine, easy on the herbal teas, watch the soft cheeses, no lunch meat [no big deal there].

I’m going to try and keep running a bit - maybe 2X a week, no more than 6 miles. I want my body to focus on the task at hand. Will try to fit in some yoga and strengthening.

I think my body has evened out after this past weekend - now that I know I can’t have any alcohol, I think it’s done wonders. I’ve been sleeping awesome now and my skin is clearing up - ha!

Assuming everything goes smoothly, I will miss having a pregnant friend to do this with - with Nora I had a few close friends who were pregnant around the same time. This time, not so sure unless someone surprises me.

Feb 14th is my first exam - hoping that we hear a heartbeat on Valentine’s Day!

1 comment:

  1. Funny to read you were bummed not having a pregnant friend. Cowan's to the rescue.
