Monday, October 15, 2012

The Latest

10 Months Week 2

Work Update: I’ve been asked by my fellow directors to return to work 5 days by the beginning of November. I easily obliged because our extended team needs my level to be THAT present. For reals. I’m kind of a big deal. Ha! Not really, but in a way, yes. 

I’m a little sad. It’s slightly harder to swallow than going back from maternity leave. I had the best balance of mommy and work and now the scale is going to tip back towards work. I knew the day was coming and now I have one week left with my shortened schedule. : (

At least the holidays are approaching so good feelings will fill those empty spaces.

House Update: Nothing really. We had an open house yesterday from 2-3pm. One couple showed up and the weather was grey and rainy. They liked the house but weren’t convinced of the partial basement. 

I was on my afternoon walk at 4:20 this afternoon with Nora and Ailo when my cell rang - a realtor wanted to show from 5-6pm. Ergh. I guess a 40 minute notice is better than 20 minutes? I rushed back to the house, plopped Nora in the Exersaucer and tore around the house getting it tidy - accomplished and even sprayed some fall air freshener to make it smell homey [for the record, I’m anti-air freshener which completely goes against my job]. 

It was probably mid to low 50s outside. Ailo was a spaz because he was probably feeding off my jitters. Nora would NOT keep her hat on, the stinker. We made our way to the neighborhood playground and sat for a minute so I could actually eat something and hydrate. Nora enjoyed the swing and whined to play with my water bottle [stainless steel making her hands even colder]. I headed back home by 5:30 and thankfully they were done showing. 

Clerkenwell Update: WHAT you say - Clerkenwell, England? As in 2009? Yes. My great friend Jen who transferred over while I was living there is now engaged to Adam, who worked at Landor with us. They met and we all hung out during my time there. They since dated and are just an awesome, fun duo who I’m just thrilled for : )  

Nora Update: 10 Month appt today. Nora is 60th % in weight [19lbs] and 90th % in height [30"] - long and lean. That ridiculous urine sample I was supposed to gather was not successful in my eyes - I can’t even explain the contraption I had to adhere to her lady bits to gather pee that didn’t even collect in the sample bag. So what dribbles were scattered outside the bag, I saved in a Ziploc and brought - they said they could probably pull something from it. I thought the pee sample was to measure iron but they also pricked 

Nora’s finger today to check for anemia - same thing, right? Oh that prick was awful. Nora doesn’t like her hands touched. Strangers try to squeeze them and she retreats, I can hardly clip her nails, so the nurse squeezing her tiny finger to fill vials of blood was NOT good. Everyone who donates blood knows that finger prick is worse than the actual donation! 

So directly after the blood-letting was her flu shot. So of course that was bad news too. 
After all the hullaballoo, the nurse attempted to put a bandage on her finger. As I’m *still* trying to fill out a form with her on my lap, I notice the bandage she’s been sucking on is bloodier than it should be. I took the bandage off and her tiny finger is bleeding a LOT. So I start pulling tissues upon tissues to stop the bleeding and after what felt like an eternity [probably 30 seconds] it finally clotted on its own.

Some cheerier Nora notes:
  -  she loves waving now - to everyone
  -  she can respond to “What’s the doggy say?” - “Oof.”
  -  she begs for food like a baby bird if you’re eating in front of her [crap]

1 comment:

  1. She looks so much older standing on her own!! Wow! Will she be walking soon? So young!

    Good luck with your new work transition and everything else! xo
