Sunday, August 7, 2011


That’s what I signed up for! My approach in life is to read and be informed about the choices I make and the effects they have on my body; food, cleaning products, fabrics, etc. So of course after much reading and talking and watching I knew I wanted to approach this birth as natural as I can - I want to go as far as I can without drugs, but not be down on myself if I can’t quite make it.

It was a toss-up between Bradley Method and Hypnobirthing and I tried doing research against both - Bradley uses the father as a primary coach while Hypnobirthing teaches you to kind of take the reigns yourself [of course the father is still there as a cheerleader]. And no, it’s not hte “you're getting sleepy” type of hypnosis, just a deep relaxation. Each works for different women, so it’s really a personal choice. I decided to go with the Hypno - I’ve read great things and want to give it a shot.

My doctors/midwives have responded with “Whatever you want to do!” and Bethesda North looks equipped to let me have an active labor instead of just lying back on a bed waiting.

A coworker compared her natural birth to a marathon - just prepare yourself - and I felt I could mentally get myself through multiple miles while running, so hopefully I can apply the same mental preparedness to giving birth!

Fingers crossed!

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