Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Bits and Bobs

25 Weeks

Had our 25 Week appointment yesterday - all’s good in the hood. The Boot’s heartbeat is where it needs to be and I was measured for the first time with a tape measure from my pubic[?] area to somewhere above my navel. I was laying down - not sure! I didn’t know that measurement in centimeters equals the weeks your pregnant - so I was right on - 25 centimeter belly! Also very content with my weight gain - I know there’s more to go, but I’m savoring the number for now!

BGK [Baby Girl Kron] has been a busy girl in there - lots of moving and shifting and bumpin’ - Tim and I had fun watching my belly move the other night - what a nutty sight!

I was also vainly admiring my new round booty earlier this week - some of us Battys were not blessed with a backside [or a frontside for that matter] so while sporting my cute maternity skinny cargos on Monday at work, I thought, “Finally I have a butt!”

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