Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Hannah's Cardiology Appt 2020

We originally had Hannah’s annual Cardiology appt in mid-April but clearly was rescheduled for last week. 

We tried practicing our masks with her, but when we arrived at Children’s, she was not having it. 

Foot traffic was diverted to multiple screening lanes. We had to wipe out hands down with antibac gel, grab a disposable mask if you did not have your own, then have our temps taken. Thankfully the staff understands small children (and those who may have sensory issues or developmental delays) can’t tolerate masks. 

Hannah’s echo always takes the longest - close to 30-40 minutes. There were twinkle lights on the ceiling and Paw Patrol on the TV. So between that and constant song-singing, she did great. 

Her EKG was fast then Dr. Hanke came in by himself - typically the Cardiologists have 1-2 fellows with them. Dr. Hanke said Hannah’s valve leakage is a touch more and her left ventricle has very slight narrowing. Not super news, but nothing to be alarmed. If these trends continue, she could (!!) need another repair - heaven help us. 

I messaged Dr. Hanke later after mulling over the appointment. he reassured me that the odds of Hannah needing another repair are extremely low and that these regurgitations tend to ease over time.

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