Easter weekend was probably the most beautiful Easter weekend I can imagine in years. Between lower and mid 70s all weekend - amazing. Saturday was our day with the Kron family. We had the annual Easter egg hunt which is probably more for Nora nowadays as the nephews are getting older. Though Pawpaw likes to be tricky with some hiding spots for them.
Krons new deck! |
Kron/Kieffer Cousins & Sammie |
Nora had a blast then I swiped and hid all her candy since I think she’s too young to eat it : ) The family’s good friend Annie was there with her little boy, Sammie, who is 2 1/2 - he and Nora got along, though I think Nora was too busy being busy to stop and say anything. The child ran around the backyard all. day. long. She barely stopped to eat food.
All. Day. Long. |
Unfortunately in the party setting, there’s no way Nora will go to sleep for a nap. So when 3:30 rolled around and she fell and scraped her knee, it was extra dramatic because she was utterly tired. The ride home was too short for a real nap, so girlfriend was a zombie the rest of the day. We basically let her veg on the couch with some Three Little Pigs until bath and bed.
Sunday my parents came over, so it was very low key and casual. We made jerk [organic, free range] chicken, vegetables and a pearl couscous salad. I was pretty proud of my menu! Nora even enjoyed the jerk veggies which her goatee proves. Thank you again to my parents for coming down. If we’d gone up there, it would have been an entire weekend of no naps, so we were glad Nora got a regular 2 hours on Sunday. We were able to sit outside and have a great visit!
Coloring and Paint books from the Easter Bunny |
Reading with Grammy |
Jerk Chicken & Veggies |
Pearl Coucous with cranberries and arugula - bon appetit! |
Nora liked the veggies! |
My Dad won’t admit his soft spot for the animal in the house. |
Easter night we were lazy and thought we could find something to order in. I ran to Hot Head Burritos, Chipotle and Jets Pizza - everything was closed! I didn’t realize Easter closed down so much fast food too. We finally put our heads on straight and used the jerk chicken for some soft tacos which were fantastic.
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