Monday, December 12, 2011

Such a Learning Curve

1 Week Old

Well it’s been one week now and I do plan on sharing Nora’s birth story - I’m try to write a bit here and there when I have a moment!

It’s definitely been a learning curve - I don’t mind terribly getting up every 2-3 hrs to feed her. It’s hard having to wake her though when she’s so peaceful! Hopefully after 1-2 weeks we can let her sleep a little longer - ??

We had been worried - it took her a few days before her first BM - our Pediatrician got her finger up there to check for any “plugs” but there were none and that little prodding let the floodgates open! Literally - all over the doctor's table - it was a riot but I was so glad she was movin’ them bowels!

Breastfeeding has also been a learning curve - what an artform! We’ve gotten better but I’ve been using the shields which I know isn’t helping her with a proper latch. And trying to keep the amounts balanced on each side along with being able to pump here and there - it makes your head spin! I plan on making an appointment with a lactation consultant to really get on the right track hopefully.

I think the hardest thing so far is that Nora doesn’t seem to have a calm wakeful time. She sleeps, then she wakes up to eat, after she eats, we try to burp her and if it takes too long she starts whimpering and being fussy, then if she starts crying, it's game over and she's awake crying and fussy until next feeding. Tim wonders if she has indigestion, is that even something a baby can have at one week? We’re going to bring it up on our Tuesday appointment to see if there’s anything more we can do than every soothing technique in the book!


  1. Good luck, guys. Much love - SB & E

  2. you're doing wonderful Stine! I've been stalking waiting for this birth story!! it's amazing how you can read all this information but once you're really in there doing it's a whole new ball game, huh? :) She could just be a fussy kid or just have gas, but there's also things like colic and reflux, or she could be sensitive to something you are eating.

  3. stine, i felt the same way. it seemed like my girls weren't "awake and not crying" until they were at least 2 months. so i did everything i could to keep them sleeping! walking around with them, taking them outside, bouncing them in my arms (paul figured out that one), putting them in the swing... you do what it takes, research like mad, and by the time you figure it out, they are already hitting the challenge. at least you have tim to laugh about everything with. :) love to you!

  4. Yay for Nora's first (memorable) BM! That was worrying me. Poor little gal! Sounds to me like you've got a normal baby :) You're doing great!

  5. Mylacon gas drops work wonders for some babies. I used the shield the
    Entire year with Dylan he got used to that and didn't want anything else!
